The Hasmans

Max Hasman



Having just graduated in an International Business Marketing Degree at the University of San Francisco Max looks forward to continuing the traditions of excellence and achievement, and representing the third generation of the Hasman real estate legacy. Max is a leading expert in the Vancouver area and luxury real estate market, while bringing energy, enthusiasm and a wonderful presence to everyone he meets.

Malcolm Hasman


Malcolm Hasman is respected as the industry leader in the marketing of Greater Vancouver’s premier luxury real estate and offers the most effective and successful marketing platforms available in the industry today. Simply put no other real estate agent, over the past 25 years, has sold more of the city’s premier luxury properties than Malcolm.

Michael Hasman


Educated at Collingwood School in West Vancouver, and working together with his father and grandfather, we are proud to have Michael Hasman on our team. Continuing the Hasman traditions of excellence and achievement, and representing the third generation of the Hasman real estate legacy, Michael brings energy, enthusiasm and a wonderful presence to everyone he meets. *(unlicensed assistant).

Les Hasman

Born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, Les has been working side by side with his son, Malcolm for 25 years. Beloved by all and a true gentleman, Les brings a wealth of experience and care to our clients rarely found in the real estate industry today.